Digital Economy

Digitaalinen talous
Digital Ekonomi

T-76 Tietojenkäsittelyoppi
ZD 16 Digitaalinen talous

The term Digital Economy covers the whole range of processes, mechanisms, and facilities that control, constrain, or support economic activities amongst partners operating in a market based on digital transactions. Hence we use the term in a wide sense not restricting ourselves to "pure" information technology issues.

In accordance to the above, the main objective of the research is to develop concepts, models, processes, facilities, platforms, and infrastructures that provide foundations for creating products and services for digital economy. Also this objective should be understood in a wide sense so that in addition to ICT tools for digital transactions, payment protocols, security and privacy tools, etc., the program also covers, for instance, the development of such business models that facilitate and encourage the operation of digital markets. We are interested in interactions

The research will be carried out in multidisciplinary projects in close collaboration with industry. Areas of interest include media industry, systems and business models, business-to-business processes, interorganisational applications of e-commerce based on semantic web approaches both in traditional industries, in ICT sector and within government, and customer-to-business-applications of e-commerce.

Software Business and Engineering Laboratory

Visiting Address:

Innopoli 2, 4th floor
Tekniikantie 14

Postal Address:
PL 9210
02015 TKK


Prof. Reijo Sulonen, tel: +358 9 451 3223,
Prof. Juha Laine tel. +358 9 451 6269

Researcher Raija Tervo-Pellikka tel. +358 9 451 5171


Secretary: Johanna Lehtola, tel: +358 9 451 4851,
Planning officer-studies: Katja Laurinolli, tel: +358 9 451 5954,
Fax: +358 9 451 4958

(päivitetty 9.9.2005)