
Publications of the ESPA research project. The links that have text pdf in italics require a password that has been sent to the project partners.

Refereed Scientific Articles

  1. Kasurinen, J., " Software Organizations and Test Process Development", Advances in Computers, Vol. 85, 2012. (pdf)

  2. Riungu-Kalliosaari L., Taipale O., and Smolander K., "Testing in the Cloud: Exploring the Practice", IEEE Software (March/April), 2012. (pdf)

  3. Kasurinen, J., Taipale, O., Vanhanen, J. and Smolander, K., "Exploring the Perceived End-Product Quality in Software-Developing Organizations", International Journal of Information System Modeling and Design,  3(2), April-June, 2012. (pdf).
  4. Mäntylä, M. V.,  Itkonen, J., Iivonen, J., "Who Tested My Software? Testing as an Organizationally Cross-Cutting Activity", Software Quality Journal, Vol. 20(1), 2012. (pdf)
  5. Kasurinen, J., Runeson, P., Riungu, L. and Smolander, K.,"A Self-Assessment Framework for Finding Improvement Objectives with ISO/IEC 29119 Test Standard", European System & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI 2011), Roskilde, Denmark, 27.-29.6.2011. (pdf)
  6. Taipale, O., Karhu, K., Kasurinen, J.,  and Smolander, K, "Trade-off between Automated and Manual Software Testing", International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management,  Vol. 2(2), 2011. (link)
  7. Lehtinen, T. O. A., Mäntylä, M.V., Vanhanen, J., "Development and evaluation of a lightweight root cause analysis method (ARCA method) - Field studies at four software companies", Journal of Information and Software Technology, Vol. 53(10), pp. 1045-1061, 2011. (link) (pdf)
  8. Lehtinen T. O. A., Mäntylä M. V., “What are problem causes of software projects? – Data of Root Cause Analysis at Four Software Companies” 5th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2011), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 19.-23.9.2011.
  9. Laukkanen, E.I., Mäntylä, M.V., "Survey Reproduction of Defect Reporting in Industrial Software Development", 5th International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2011), Banff, Alberta, Canada, 19.-23.9.2011. (pdf) 
  10. Kasurinen, J., Runeson, P., Riungu, L. and Smolander, K.,"A Self-Assessment Framework for Finding Improvement Objectives with ISO/IEC 29119 Test Standard", European System & Software Process Improvement and Innovation (EuroSPI 2011), Roskilde, Denmark, 27.-29.6.2011. 
  11. Kasurinen, J., Taipale, O., Vanhanen, J. and Smolander, K., "Exploring Perceived Quality in Software Organizations", Fifth IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science (RCIS), May 19-21 2011, Guadeloupe - French West Indies, France. (pdf)
  12. Kasurinen, J., Taipale, O. and Smolander, K. (2011), "How Test Organizations Adopt New Testing Practices and Methods?", Testing: Academic & Industrial Conference: Practice and Research Techniques 2011 (TAIC PART) co-located with 4th IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation (ICST), 25.3.2011, Berlin, Germany. (pdf)
  13. Mäntylä M. V. and Vanhanen J., "Software Deployment Activities and Challenges – An Industrial Case Study of Four Software Product Companies", 16th European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR), March 2011. (pdf).  
  14. Riungu L.M., Taipale O., and Smolander K., "Research Issues for Software Testing in the Cloud" IEEE Second International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom), pp.557-564, Nov-Dec 2010. (pdf)
  15. Kasurinen, J., O. Taipale and K. Smolander, "Test Case Selection and Prioritization: Risk-Based or Design-Based?", Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2010), September 2010. (pdf)
  16. Iivonen, J., Mäntylä, M. V., Itkonen, J, "Characteristics of High Performing Testers – A Case Study",  Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2010), September 2010. (pdf one page) (pdf four page unpublished)
  17. Kettunen, V. , J. Kasurinen, O. Taipale and K. Smolander, "A Study on Agility and Testing Processes in Software Organizations", ISSTA2010. (pdf)
  18. Riungu L.M., Taipale O,, and Smolander K., "Software Testing as an Online Service: Observations from Practice", 3rd International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation Workshops (ICSTW), pp.418-423, April 2010. (pdf)
  19. Kasurinen, J., Ossi Taipale and Kari Smolander, "Software Test Automation in Practice: Empirical Observations", Advances in Software Engineering, Special Issue on Software Test Automation, Hindawi Publishing Co., 2010. (pdf)
  20. Kasurinen, J., Taipale, O., Smolander, K., "Analysis of Problems in Testing Practices" APSEC, December 2009. (pdf)
  21. Itkonen J, Mäntylä M.V. Lassenius, C., "How Do Testers Do It? An Exploratory Study on Manual Testing Practices", Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM 2009), October 2009. (pdf)
  22. Vanhanen J, Itkonen J. Mäntylä M.V., "Lightweight Elicitation and Analysis of Software Product Quality Goals - A Multiple Industrial Case Study", IWSPM, August 2009. (pdf)
  23. Mäntylä, M.V. Lassenius, C. "What Types of Defects Are Really Discovered in Code Reviews?" IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, issue 3, June 2009. (link), (pdf)
  24. Karhu K., Repo T., Taipale O., Smolander K., "Empirical Observations on Software Testing Automation", In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation (ICST), April 2009. (link), (pdf)
  25. Karhu K., Taipale, O., Smolander, K. "Investigating the Relationship between Schedules and Knowledge Transfer in Software Testing", Journal of Information and Software Technology, vol.51, issue 3, pp. 663-677, March 2009. (link), (pdf)

Dissertation Summaries / Positions papers / Research plans (refereed)

Mäntylä, M. V., Doctoral Dissertation Synopsis, "Empirical Software Evolvability – Code Smells and Human Evaluations", ICSM 2010 Post doctoral symposium, September 2010. (pdf)

Kasurinen J., Research Plan on Elaborating Software Test Processes and Strategies, ICST2010 Doctoral Symposium. (pdf)

Itkonen J., Research Plan on Manual Test Execution Practices, ESEM 2010, Doctoral Symposium. (pdf )


D. Sc.

Vanhanen, J., "Empirical Assessment of the Adoption, Use and Effects of Pair Programming", Doctoral Dissertation, December 2011. (summary pdf) (pdf)

Kasurinen, J., "Software Test Process Development", Doctoral Dissertation, November 2011. (pdf)

Itkonen, J., "Empirical Studies on Exploratory Software Testing", Doctoral Dissertation, Aalto University School of Science, November 2011. (summary pdf) (pdf)

Mäntylä, M., "Software Evolvability - Empirically Discovered Evolvability Issues and Human Evaluations", Doctoral Dissertation, Helsinki University of Technology, May 2009. (link)

Lic. Sc.

Itkonen, J., "Do test cases really matter? An experiment comparing test case based and exploratory testing". Licentiate Thesis. Helsinki University of Technology, May 2008. (pdf)

M. Sc.

Kähkonen T., "The Effect of Service Oriented Architecture and Cloud Computing on Software Testing", M.Sc Thesis, Lappeeranta University of Technology, March 2011. (pdf)

Lehtinen, T.O.A., "Development and Evaluation of an Efficient Method for Software Engineering Root Cause Analysis", M. Sc. Thesis. Aalto University, May 2010. (pdf)

Paananen, S., "Projektien arviointi integroituna toiminnanohjausjärjestelmään julkisessa organisaatiossa", M. Sc. Thesis, Lappeeranta University of Technology, 2010. (pdf)

Kettunen V., "Ohjelmistotestaus ja ketterät menetelmät", M.Sc Thesis, Lappeeranta University of Technology, 2010. (pdf)

Iivonen, J., "Finding and Characterizing Top Software Testers - A Case Study in Three Software Product Companies", M.Sc Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, November 2009. (pdf)

Luomansuu, R., "Tilastollinen tutkimus ohjelmiston laatuun vaikuttavista tekijöistä", Diplomityö. Lappeeranta University of Technology, April 2009. (pdf, liite1, liite2)

Pesonen, T., "Quality Standards in e-business Software Development", M.Sc Thesis. Lappeeranta University of Technology, Apr. 2009. (pdf)

Tarkiainen R. ”SaaS-palvelun tuotteistuksen suunnittelu - Case Netvisor Business Indicator”, M. Sc. Thesis, Lappeeranta University of Technology, 2011.

Uspenskiy S., “A survey and classification of software testing tools”, M. Sc. Thesis, Lappeeranta University of Technology, 2010.

Bavin P., “A proposal for a repertoire of software testing methods”, M. Sc. Thesis, Lappeeranta University of Technology, 2010.

Babur Z., ” Evaluation of Web Based Quality Management Tools”, M. Sc. Thesis, Lappeeranta University of Technology, 2012.

B. Sc.

Laukkanen, E., , "Tiedonkeruu ohjelmointivirheiden raportoinnissa",  B. Sc. Thesis, Aalto University, August 2010. (pdf)

Alahuhta, J., "Virheraportoijien virhemäärien jakaumat virhetietokannassa", B. Sc. Thesis, Aalto University, August 2010. (pdf)

Kuparinen, E., "Suunnitelma ohjelmistotestauksen adaptiivisen referenssimallin arviointiin", B. Sc. Thesis, Lappeeranta University of Technology, August 2010. (pdf)

Stranden, J.-P., "Testausmenetelmien ja testauksen lähestymistapojen valintaperusteet kirjallisuudessa". B. Sc. Thesis. Lappeeranta University of Technology, April 2010. (pdf

Harvala, V., "Hyväksymistestivetoinen ohjelmistokehitys. Hyödyt ja haasteet empiirisen tutkimuksen valossa". B. Sc. Thesis. Helsinki University of Technology, December 2009. (pdf)

Hannus, T., "Installationprocessen för mjukvaruprodukter". B. Sc. Thesis. Helsinki University of Technology, December 2009. (pdf)

Kähkönen, T., "Yritysten valmius soveltaa uusia ohjelmistotuotteiden testaus- ja laatustandardeja (ISO/IEC 29119 ja 25010)"B. Sc. Thesis. Lappeeranta University of Technology, April 2009. (pdf)

Rannila, J., "Root cause- analyysi ohjelmistuotannossa - Mistä ohjelmistovirheet johtuvat?". B. Sc. Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, April 2009. (pdf)

Vestola, M., "TDD:n edut - tarua vai totta?", B. Sc. Thesis,  Helsinki University of Technology, December 2008. (pdf)

Korhonen, O., "Automaattinen yksikkötestaus", B. Sc. Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, December 2008. (pdf)

Kettunen, J., "Laadunhallinta ketterissä menetelmissä", B. Sc. Thesis, Lappeeranta University of Technology, August 2008. (pdf)

Kivinen J., ” Havaintoja testausympäristöstä”, B. Sc. Thesis, Lappeeranta University of Technology, 2009.


Itkonen, J., "Quality goal setting method - Experiences from four software product companies." Slides presented in Understanding Software Quality seminar, May 2009. (pdf)

Kasurinen, J., "Software Testing Concepts - Factors Affecting Testing Efficiency and Software Quality", Slides presented in Understanding Software Quality seminar, May 2009. (pdf)


ESPA Guidebook (pdf)

ESPA/SQUID, "Quality Goals and Practices Method for Software Product Development", Slides and practical guidelines for performing the method in practice, March 2009. (zip)

ESPA/SQUID, "Adaptable Root Cause Analysis (ARCA)" (in Finnish), Guidelines for performing the method in practice, January 2010. (pdf)

In review 

Itkonen, J, Mäntylä, M.V., Lassenius, C., "The Role of Knowledge in Failure Detection During Exploratory Software Testing", In review for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (May 2011).