Virtual Transport Layer error messages

error message:

vtl: startListening: listen() failed


The listen port is probably already in use by another application.Try to use another port in the configuration file.

error message:

vtl: waitAction: accept() failed


Accepting an incoming connection failed by the operating system. Try to start the client again.

error message:

vtl: <function name>: unexpected EOF ...


Some client connected to MobSim-VTL has exited or sent insufficient amount of initialisation or header information.

error message:

vtl: waitAction: no BTS around for MS, closing MS, fd = ...


An MS tried to connect to, but there was no BTSs to camp to.

Start at least one BTS before any MSs.

error message:

vtl: waitAction:unknown protocol


A client with an unknown protocol tried to make a connection.

error message:

vtl: waitAction:unknown pointcode, ...


A message from an SCCP-interface contains an unknown point code in the message header.

error message:

vtl: waitAction: no LAPD neighbour, ...


A message from a LAPD-interface has been received, but there exist no interface assosiated to the remote index.

error message:

vtl: waitAction: no BTS in carrier ...


An MS has sent a message specifying a carrier of non-existent BTS.