Addressing module specification

Document formatted by vherva at Fri Apr 24 11:23:18 1998 on the host schemestation. This document is produced by the SchemeStation project during the Tik-76.115 course.

  1. Introduction
  2. Requirements
  3. Functionality
  4. The functions of module Addressing
    1. File addressing-internal.h
      1. void addr_addresstoasc (INOUT char* str, IN Address *address)
      2. Status addr_deliver_messages (IN ActorEntry *entry)
      3. AddrStatus addr_dumpentry (IN ActorEntry* entry)
      4. addr_entriesbyaddr (IN Address* addr)
      5. addr_entrybyspec (IN ActorSpecifier* spec)
      6. void addr_freeentry (IN ActorEntry* entry)
      7. unsigned addr_hashvalue (IN void *item, IN long size, IN long maxvalue)
      8. void addr_hexdump (INOUT char* dest, IN char* source, IN int len)
      9. Status addr_push_message (IN ActorEntry *entry, struct Message *message)
      10. AddrStatus addr_readentry (IN int fd)
      11. AddrStatus addr_resizehash (AddrResizeAction resizeaction)
      12. unsigned addr_spechashvalue (IN ActorSpecifier *addr)
      13. void addr_spectoasc (INOUT char* str, IN ActorSpecifier* spec)
      14. AddrStatus addr_writeentry (IN int fd, IN ActorEntry* entry)
    2. File addressing.h
      1. AddrStatus addr_addentry (IN Address* address, IN ActorSpecifier* spec)
      2. addr_addrbyspec (IN ActorSpecifier* spec)
      3. Bool addr_cmpraddr (IN Address *a, IN Address *b)
      4. Bool addr_cmprspec (IN ActorSpecifier *a, IN ActorSpecifier *b)
      5. int addr_deleteentriesbyaddress (IN Address* Address)
      6. AddrStatus addr_deleteentry (IN ActorSpecifier* spec)
      7. AddrStatus addr_dumpaddrsystem ()
      8. void addr_initaddresssystem (INOUT void)
      9. Status addr_readfromdisk (int fd)
      10. Status addr_savetodisk (int fd)
      11. Status addr_set_blocking (ActorSpecifier *address, Bool arg)
      12. AddrStatus addr_setentry (IN Address* address, IN ActorSpecifier* spec)
      13. int addr_setmessageblocking (SchedulerID id, Bool arg)
      14. void addr_shutdownaddrsystem (INOUT void)
      15. unsigned addr_specsbyaddr (IN Address* addr, OUT ActorSpecifier** specs)

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