Progress Report Version: 1.0 State: approved 
Date: 15-Oct-1998 Author: Tom Weckström
Review date:  15-Oct-1998 Reviewed by JHA 
Approval date:   15-Oct-1998 Approved by JHA 

Executive summary

This report describes the progress of the Dynamic IP-tunneling project Project planning (PS) phase.



  1. State of the Project
  2. Completed Tasks

1. State of the Project

The project planning phase has been completed.
The deliverables required in the phase have been written, reviewed and approved.
So far the scheduling of the project has succeeded.
Updated: 15-Oct-1998 11:29  TWE BAN DFO JHA JMA KMU Tot. Planned Exceeded
Tik-76.115 + Tik-109.440 10 10 8 8 10 10 56 56 0
Studying the project related fields 3 5 2 2 12 3 27 27 0
Team meeting 8 8 7 12 12 11 58 58 0
Project management  
Organization of the project 4 7         11 11 0
Project plan  11 5 3 4 4 4 31 31 0
Requirements specification  11 1 4 1 4 3 24 24 0
Progress report 2           2 2 0
Method development  
Equipment administration  
Equipment analysis 1       2   3 3 0
Customer meetings 7 6 8 4 4 7 36 36 0
Total 57 42 32 31 48 38 248 248 0
Table 1. The resources used in the PS phase.

2. Completed Tasks

This section lists the tasks completed during the PS phase.
The responsibilities are shown with person initials.
The phase deliverables and tasks have been coded as follows:
Project plan: pp
Project organization: po
Requirements specification: rs
Customer relations: cr
Working eqipment: we

Task:    Team meeting 22-Sep-1998
Definition: Looking for project
Influence:   po
Responsible: all

Task: Meeting with a potential customer 24-Sep-1998
Definition: Finding out a project from outside HUT
Influence: po
Responsible: DFO, all

Task:  Lecture 24-Sep-1998
Definition: Project representations, discussion with the customer
Influence: po, cr
Responsible: TWE, all

Task:  1. meeting with the final customer, JTM. 30-Sep-1998
Definition: Selection of the Dynamic IP-tunneling project
Influence: pp, po, rs, we, cr
Responsible: TWE, all

Task:  Group registering    01-Oct-1998
Definition: -
Influence: po
Responsible: TWE

Task:  Equipment selection
Definition: Customer gave us a budget of 7000FIM and a possibility to purhcase a suitable computer for the project.
Influence: we
Responsible: JMA

Task:  Communication with the customer
Definition: Agreeing about the budget, organizating the work room and keys
Influence: po, we, cr
Responsible: TWE

Task:  Lecture 01-Oct-1998
Definition: PS phase info
Influence: po, pp, rs
Responsible: all

Task:  Team meeting 2-Oct-1998
Definition: Organizing the team, analysing the project and requirements
Influence: po, pp, rs, we
Responsible: TWE, all

Task:  Team meeting 5-Oct-1998
Definition: Organizing the team, analysing the project and requirements
Influence: po, pp, rs, we
Responsible: TWE, all

Task:  Lecture 08-Oct-1998
Definition: Requirements specification info
Influence: rs
Responsible: TWE, all

Task:  Planning the project plan
Definition: Define the general ideas of the project plan
Influence: pp, po
Responsible: TOM, all

Task: Project Plan: Section 1
Definition: Write the section 1 "Introduction" into the project plan.
Influence: pp
Responsible: TOM

Task: Project Plan: Section 2
Definition: Write the section 2 "Project phases and scheduling" into the project plan.
Influence: pp
Responsible: TOM

Task: Project Plan: Section 3
Definition: Write the section 3 "Resources and work distribution"
Influence: pp
Responsible: TOM

Task: Project Plan: Section 4.1
Definition: Write the section 4.1 "Tools and equipment" into the project plan.
Influence: pp
Responsible: DFO

Task: Project Plan: Section 4.2
Definition: Write the section 4.2 "Documentation methods" into the project plan.
Influence: pp
Responsible: TOM

Task: Project Plan: Section 4.3
Definition: Write the section 4.3 "Project working methods" into the project plan
Influence: pp, po
Responsible:  JMA
Task:  Project Plan: Section 4.4
Definition: Write the section 4.4 "Risk management" into the project plan
Influence: pp
Responsible: BAN

Task: Project Plan: Section 4.5
Definition: Write the section 4.5 "The roles and responsibilities of the team members" into the project plan
Influence: pp
Responsible: TOM

Task: Project Plan: Section 4.6
Definition: Write the section 4.6 "References"
Influence: pp
Responsible: KMU

Task: Project Plan: Section 5.1
Definition: Write the section 5.1 "Monitoring the state of the project" into the project plan.
Influence: pp, po
Responsible: JHA

Copyright Dynamics team, 1998